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Showing posts from July, 2018

Gooey & Messy Inquiry in the Summer

The first week of our 2018 Summer Programs took us into summer on a high note! We had wonderful camps/classes all around. Gooey & Messy Inquiry was so much fun. A group of first and second graders explored and brainstormed together to come up with projects, creations and play with materials. We started each day with an open exploration time, and after lunch moved into larger group activities where we would also sometimes join with the older Gooey & Messy Inquiry group (3rd, 4th, 5th grades). Some of the explorations we did involved mixing and dumping with baking soda, vinegar, glitter and liquid watercolor. We also made Elephant Toothpaste, a science demonstration involving hydrogen peroxide, yeast and dish soap to name a few ingredients. We exploded sandwich bags by creating a gas through mixing baking soda and vinegar again, and experimented with borax and water by making flubber and growing crystals on shells. We also played with mixing paints and a